For Enrolled Families

Asked Questions

  • Crucial brain development happens in the first five years of life. Pre-kindergarten helps children make the most of these years; it encourages important developmental skills, helps children harness their innate drive to learn, and opens the door for future opportunities. Our innovative learning model emphasizes fun, prepares children for school, and celebrates the cultures that make this incredible community whole.

  • CELC offers a comprehensive educational experience that prioritizes the holistic development of each child. Our in-center programs are led by qualified, state-certified teachers who maintain optimal teacher-to-child ratios as per Ohio regulations. In addition to our curriculum, we provide daily breakfast, lunch, and snacks through a nutritious in-house food program supported by the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This ensures that enrolled children receive balanced meals that contribute to their overall health and well-being.

    Other services provided include developmental screenings, formal assessments, parent/caregiver conferences, parent education offerings, family engagement events, and regular gross motor activities.

  • No. Families must arrange their own transportation to and from the center. In the event of emergency, documented illness, or concerning behaviors, families may be asked to pick up their child outside of normal pick-up hours. If the guardian is unavailable, they may send another adult from their pre-approved pickup list.

  • CELC will only release children to adults listed as pre-approved by the guardian in the child’s file.

    Please work with your child’s teacher and/or center director to ensure that all approved contacts are regularly updated and listed in your child’s file.

  • We Require the Following Vaccinations:

    • Chicken pox
    • Mumps
    • Diphtheria
    • Pertussis
    • HIB
    • Pneumococcal Diseases
    • Hepatitis A
    • Polio
    • Hepatitis B
    • Rotavirus
    • Influenza
    • Rubella
    • Measles
    • Tetanus
    • Because children in our program are interacting with their environments, it is important that they wear functional play clothes that can get dirty or messy. Sturdy shoes made for active play will provide safety and comfort. We ask that children do not wear flip flops or sandals.
    • All children will need to bring at least two complete extra sets of clothing in case of accidents. Families will want to make sure the extra clothing is the appropriate size and suitable for the current season.
    •  Families with infants and toddlers may need to supply diapers and wipes in addition to necessary extras during potty-training times. Families should check with the Center Director or the Enrollment and Compliance Director for additional details.
    •  For toddler and preschool naptime, we encourage families to provide small, travel-sized pillows and cot-sized sheets and blankets. We do not have appropriate storage space for larger items.
    • CELC supplies crib sheets for infants. Infants may not have blankets, pillows, or other items in their cribs. Families may supply wearable blankets or “sleep sacks” for infants at nap time.
    • Children are often comforted by items from home. Toddlers and preschoolers may bring one comfort item such as a small stuffed animal or doll to give them comfort at nap time or other times of transition.
  • Staff respect religious and dietary restrictions. Accordingly, CELC will make meal substitutions when possible and reasonable. If CELC cannot provide a substitution, it is the responsibility of the family to do so. Families must provide substitutions only from the USDA food groups. In addition:

    • All CELC classrooms are nut-free. No nuts, food containing nuts, and/or nut butters are served. This includes nut beverages, such as almond or cashew milk.
    • Meals and snacks provided by CELC’s kitchen are pork-free.
    • Vegan/Vegetarian families will be required to provide a meat-replacement/protein, dairy substitute, and/or grain substitute for all meals to include Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks.
    • The elimination of an entire food group (for example, dairy products) requires written documentation from the child’s physician.

Columbus Early Learning Centers Family Guide

2023-2024 School Year

Find Community Resources

At CELC, we know that success starts at home. If you are in need of community services or information, please visit this community agency link to access 211 for Franklin County, or reach out to your center director for available resources in your area. We are dedicated to helping your family thrive.

*Please note that the attached community partners may have differing qualifications, services, and protocol than those of CELC. CELC in no way claims ownership or responsibility for the programs or organizational policies represented here.

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