Our Work

CELC impacts the lives of over 300 children annually who are either enrolled in one of six centers, or who benefit from home visiting. Typically 95% of students receive public subsidies or tuition assistance and over 75% live in households earning less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Additional families are served through community-based programming such as: screenings and referrals, access to housing and utility assistance, food security measures, and holiday support.


The foundation for literacy and language skills is built at a very young age. We prioritize Kindergarten-Readiness and literacy skills. Our approach to language learning includes the following:

  • Center-Based Literacy Programming:  Within our centers, we offer innovative literacy activities planned and implemented by our highly qualified staff.
  • Pre School PoetsIn conjunction with the Ohio Arts Council, our resident poets teach children to use language for expression and emotional regulation.
  • ParentChild+Our implementation of the nationally-renowned “ParentChild+” program offers home-visits and support to families and providers educating at home.

Healthy Bodies, Bright Minds

CELC offers a wraparound approach to kindergarten readiness. When children do not feel well, they cannot learn at their highest capacity. Within our centers, we offer research-based supports such as:

  • Developmental Screenings
  • Gross and Fine Motor Skill-Development
  • Speech & Hearing Interventions
  • Lead Testing
  • Local Matters’ Nutrition and Healthy Eating Curriculum
  • Mental Health Screenings and Interventions
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Activity Programs
  • Classroom and Community Gardens
  • Monthly Food Supports

We believe in health equity and equal opportunity for all kids.

Hilltop Early Learning Center

The City of Columbus made a historic $20 million investment in the Hilltop by constructing the Hilltop Early Learning Center, which opened in summer 2023. The center includes a state-of-the-art healthcare facility, food security resources, counseling, and more – all in one location and at no cost for most in the Hilltop community. Hilltop Early Learning Center, with lead partner CELC, is an extension of the community, with a team who understands what it takes to help children develop, families succeed, and neighborhoods thrive.

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